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Rhenosin¢ç RC100 fatty alkylester of polyethylene glycol - slightly turbid liquid
Rhenofit 2280-72/S paraffinic oil - brownish dustless powder
Rhenofit DOP-72/S DOP - off-white dustless powder
Rhenofit PET-72/S petroleum wax - off-white dustless powder
Rhenosin¢ç BA dibenzyl ether - colorless liquid
Rhenosin¢ç FH-70 70 % aromatic polyether (Vulkanol¢ç FH) bound to 30 % silica filler - white non-dusting powder
Rhenosin¢ç VU-90 di-2-ethylhexyl-thio- di-glycolate - clear, brownish liquid
Rhenosin¢ç W-759 ether/ester compound - slightly yellowish liquid
Rhenosin¢ç W-90B polyether - clear, low-viscosity liquid
Rhenosin¢ç W-95 adipic diester - slightly yellowish liquid
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