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UREA Mixture Rhenofit¢ç 1987 combination of activating substances based on urea and surface active agents, bound to highly reinforcing silica silica white fine powder
Rhenofit¢ç 1987A combination of activating substances based on urea and surface active agents - white pellets
Rhenofit¢ç 3555 combination of activating substances based on amines bound to high-activity silica silica white powder
Proprietary Rhenofit¢ç B secondary amine - colorless to slight yellowish green liquid
Rhenofit¢ç 1600 combination of urea derivatices and dispersing agents in an aqueous paste form - cream colored paste
Rhenofit¢ç 1715 unsaturated polymer with organic silyl side chains - yellowish clear liquid
Rhenofit¢ç SASD coupling agent system for silica compounds in combination with Rhenofit 1715 - white powder
Vulkasil¢ç A 1 precipitated sodium aluminum silicate with a medium reinforcing effect - with amorphous powder
Vulkasil¢ç C precipitated silica with a medium reinforcing effect - with amorphous powder
Vulkasil¢ç N precipitated reinforcing silica - with amorphous powder
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