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HMT Rhenogran¢ç HEXA-80 hexamethlyene tetramine EPDM/EVA beige granules
Rhenogran¢ç HEXA-80/SBR hexamethlyene tetramine SBR blue granules
HMMM Rhenofit¢ç HMMM-51/PB hexamethoxymethlymelamine ethylene copolymer free flowing off-white beads
Resorcinol Rhenogran¢ç Resorcinol 80 1,3,dihydroxybenzene EPDM/EVA white granules
Rhenogran¢ç Resorcinol 80/SBR 1,3,dihydroxybenzene SBR brownish granules
Rhenogran¢ç Resorcin-80 resorcinol EPDM/EVA off-white to brown granules
Rhenogran¢ç Resorcin-80/SBR resorcinol SBR off-white to brown granules
Rhenofit¢ç DP-80/PB 1,3,dihydroxybenzene ethtlene copolymer free flowing tan beads
TDI-Dimer Addolink TT dimeric toluene-2,4-disocyanate - white-bright yellow powder
Cohedur¢ç A 200 hexamethoxymethylmelamine ether - clear to cloudy liquid, solorless to yellow
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